Monday, November 15, 2010

Crazy Day! Part 2

So yesterday's run-in with the gangs was a little out of the ordinary.  But the day didn't end there, however...

The crowd died down shortly after the street rumble and the preaching of the Gospel. The Urbans, brother Giancarlo and I then walked to a shopping center in Centro to do some errands. We ended up splitting up, with Giancarlo and I going to another shopping center many blocks away. About forty minutes later we left this other shopping center and approached the nearby Plaza Universidad to look for a place to have lunch...and something strange caught our attention:

Colorful carriages parked in the square. As we drew closer, we noticed pictures of what looked like Vishnu, Krishna and other Hindu deities decorated on the bottom of them. I started to worry a little.

Directly behind the carriages was a stage with an audience of people seated before it and other spectators standing around. It was then that I noticed many Hare Krishnas walking around the plaza. As we walked toward the stage we saw:

That lady was fanning a realistic-looking figure of a man of great importance, though I don't know who he was (pardon my ignorance of the Hindu religion). Another man was repeatedly bowing before some other graven images. There was a man on the microphone spewing forth blasphemous nonsense, telling the audience that Jesus said He is the Way, the Truth and the Life...but the only way to get to Jesus is through Krishna, as he is a superior being...or something to that effect. My spirit was stirred again. Food would have to wait--I was going to preach.

We walked past the stage and some booths that had been set up to sell food and other Hindu goods. I was really grieved by all this idolatry, as was Giancarlo. We found a good spot and I took out my amp, mike and a little foldable stool I had in my backpack. As I preached many people stopped to listen, even some Krishnas. I read to them the part in Acts 17 where Paul preaches in Mars Hill. I stressed the fact that God does not dwell in temples made with hands, and that He is not served by human hands. And that religion, man's effort to gain his own salvation, will not save anybody. Neither Kirshna nor any other religious figure could save them, I told them, only Jesus. I asked those listening and passing by to consider their eternal soul and reasoned with them about sin and judgment to come...and as I explained the cross the Lord broke me right in front of everyone. I begged them to realize everything Christ did to save us. Giancarlo told me afterwards that I started to weep just as a Hindu band on stage began to play loud music. I didn't really notice at the time. I kept right on preaching and desperately pleading with sinners to repent and trust in the Savior. As I was preaching Giancarlo was able to get into some good conversations with people.

I lamented the fact that we had hardly brought any tracts with us yesterday (!!!). But the Gospel still went forth. Again. I praise the Lord that He allowed Satan to round 'em up just so they could hear the Gospel.  What the enemy meant for evil God meant for good.

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